Nachtrag zu "Teilstudie H"
Teilstudie H von Sesam will sich, basierend auf umstrittenen Versuchen mit Affen, laut Website der Frage widmen, welchen Einfluss elterliche Vernachlässigung auf die kindliche Entwicklung hat. Als federführend wird dort Chris Pryce angegeben. Pryce wechselt von der ETHZ zu einem deutschen Pharmakonzern, seine Versuche sind eingestellt. Was das für diese Teilstudie heisst, ist der Website bisher nicht zu entnehmen. Im Artikel von Felix Maise vom 20. Juli 2005 über die Pryceschen "Deprivationsversuche", deren Auswertung Sesam mitfinanziert, sagt Margrit Bühler, Zürcher Fachärztin für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, sie halte den Versuch schlicht für überflüssig.
"Das Phänomen der Depression nach Deprivationen ist beim Menschen schon so gut erforscht, dass es den Tierversuch dafür gar nicht braucht", sagt sie. Geschädigte Kinder aus rumänischen Kinderheimen zum Beispiel seien in der jüngsten Vergangenheit genau darauf untersucht worden.
Und genau dazu schrieb nun der Guardian am 18.2.06:
Depriving children of a loving family environment causes lasting damage to their intelligence, emotional wellbeing and even their physical stature, according to the most extensive study of social deprivation yet. A lack of care and attention left children with stunted growth, substantially lower IQs and more behavioural and psychological problems than children who had been better cared for, according to the report at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in St Louis yesterday. The extent to which children are sensitive to the environment they grow up in emerged from an unprecedented study, the Bucharest Early Intervention Project. It is the first randomised clinical trial set up to investigate the effects of social deprivation on the emotional, psychological and physical health of children. The study has been running for five years and records the wellbeing of children in a Romanian orphanage from an early age, and the changes they experience when transferred to foster care. The orphanage represents an extreme of social deprivation because the children are typically looked after by a rota of carers who will be responsible for 12 to 15 children at any one time.
"Das Phänomen der Depression nach Deprivationen ist beim Menschen schon so gut erforscht, dass es den Tierversuch dafür gar nicht braucht", sagt sie. Geschädigte Kinder aus rumänischen Kinderheimen zum Beispiel seien in der jüngsten Vergangenheit genau darauf untersucht worden.
Und genau dazu schrieb nun der Guardian am 18.2.06:
Depriving children of a loving family environment causes lasting damage to their intelligence, emotional wellbeing and even their physical stature, according to the most extensive study of social deprivation yet. A lack of care and attention left children with stunted growth, substantially lower IQs and more behavioural and psychological problems than children who had been better cared for, according to the report at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in St Louis yesterday. The extent to which children are sensitive to the environment they grow up in emerged from an unprecedented study, the Bucharest Early Intervention Project. It is the first randomised clinical trial set up to investigate the effects of social deprivation on the emotional, psychological and physical health of children. The study has been running for five years and records the wellbeing of children in a Romanian orphanage from an early age, and the changes they experience when transferred to foster care. The orphanage represents an extreme of social deprivation because the children are typically looked after by a rota of carers who will be responsible for 12 to 15 children at any one time.
patpatpat - 25. Feb, 10:59